• SARAI Fellow 2004: A short research fellowship entitled Syncretism in the popular art of Muslim religious posters in north India, awarded by the Centre for Studies in the Developing Societies, SARAI, New Delhi.
• Asia Fellow 2005: to conduct a documentation project on Amir Khusrau’s living musical traditions in Pakistan, awarded by Asian Scholarship Foundation, Bangkok. The project concluded with a research paper and two documentary films: Khayal Darpan (100 mins) and Khusrau in Pakistan (15 mins).
• Visiting fellow at the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris. It involved 3 presentations of films and other audio visual material at three venues in Paris, May 2006.
• Visiting fellow of Boston University, Boston, to visit many institutions in the United States to present films and talk about India’s plural culture (September to October 2006). Lectured and screened films at universities such as Harvard, Boston, Tufts, Texas (Austin), Columbia, (New York), Brown (Providence), and Chicago, besides MIT (AKPIA).
• Collaborative Work Grant from Asian Scholarship Foundation (Bangkok) to organize an international workshop and related activities on “The Impact of 1947 Partition on South Asia’s Classical Music” February-September 2008.
• Margaret Beveridge Senior Research Fellow at J.B. Media Resource Centre, Jamia Millia, New Delhi, to work on "Moving Pictures Moving Faith - Muslim Piety in Hindi Cinema, Popular VCDs, and 21st Century TV".
• Fellow of the The Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context: Shifting Asymmetries in Cultural Flows" at Heidelberg University, for a project on popular Islamic visuality under the Satellite of Networks (2009-11).
• Art Research Documentation grant from India Foundation for the Arts (IFA), Bangalore to 'Document cultural plurality and progressive mainstream in the visual print culture of early 20th-century Urdu in north India' for 2013.
• Conceptualised and curated a 3-days conference on the Popular Culture of Urdu Language, 8-10 September 2017, at the Centre for Indian Languages, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Supported by the IFA, Bangalore, under the Arts and Research Programme.
• Bombay Cinema Qawwali archive: An arts research project supported by the India Foundation for the Arts, 2021-22. It's finding are available at
• Lost foods and recipes of Rampur, Uttar Pradesh. A video documentation project under the 'Forgotten Food: Culinary Memory, Local Heritage and Lost Agricultural Varieties in India' Supported by University of Sheffield.
• Selected as a Visiting Scholar by Stanford University for 2024-25 (Stanford Humanities Center), California.